Marine Waste Watamu, Kenya
Fighting marine waste through open source disruptive technology in Watamu, Kenya including 3D printing, to transform dangerous and destructive plastic waste into usable products to help people grow, be it in education, assistive technology, job creation or new innovations. We believe that this can be a pilot project that can be replicated globally in the fight against marine waste.

Supporting Females in STEM in Rwanda
In June 2016, the Rapid Foundation supported eight female engineering students from University of Glasgow’s FemEng who traveled to Kigali and stayed at the University of Rwanda. There they combined their skills and innovation with a team of Rwandan counterparts with a view to encouraging, educating and inspiring Rwanda’s female STEM students of the future. The Foundation provided 3D printing training and equipment to this project.

Uganda 2015 – Easier Prosthetic Model
In summer 2015, an engineer supported by the Rapid Foundation visited the Kisiizi Hospital in southwest Uganda. He worked with a local prosthetist to look at how accessible technology can change assistive technology development.They focused on the 3D scanning of stumps, via smartphones, to generate 3D models to prepare for prosthetics, reducing the need for patients to travel long distances for appointments.This project has gained significant interest in the area, resulting in the Rapid Foundation working with a division of the UN disability group to investigate the national provision of these technologies to Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya. This work is ongoing with the Foundation also having made prosthetic hands in Ireland.

India 2015 – Teaching Aids For Children In An Orphanage
The first Rapid Foundation trial took place in June 2015, in “Daddy’s Home” orphanage in the Andhra Pradesh region of southern India.During the project, which was supported by UCD Volunteers Overseas, children and carers in the facility attended educational workshops over the course of a month. The participants were trained in the use of 3D modelling systems, 3D printing technologies and the design process. The idea was to encourage them to develop their own educational tools and supplies using free open-source technology. As a result, teaching staff at the orphanage were able to design and develop custom aids to teach sighted and visually impaired children in their care.

Outreach Events in Ireland
A major aspect of the Rapid Foundation’s work is public engagement through informal workshops and seminars. The Foundation teaches technology to non-experts and experts alike and we take part in numerous technology events, science fairs and other public engagement activities. The Foundation provided 3Dprinting training and equipment to this project.